
I have a couple of tidbits to share with you right now. First, Liviania has nominated me for the Premio Dardos award! Apparently it means “prize darts” which is weird because the text of the award when I first got it was apparently in Portuguese (confirmed by Lenore) and what do darts have to do with anything? I think it’s a weird award, but I LOVE it. I think I might even love it as much as the gramatically incorrect award which I never received that seems to have died out (if you have no idea what I’m talking about, don’t worry about it). I rambled on about it and passed it on already here, but I wanted to thank Liviania and post her cool graphic here. I am honored to be nominated for the award. 

While we’re talking about Liviania and her great blog, In Bed With Books, I should mention what I forgot to before, when I was talking about contests. She’s running some great contests all month in celebration of her blogiversary, and you can check out the rules here, and the most recent contest here (and keep checking her blog for more). 

Thanks again, Liviania, for being awesome!


Here are a couple of contests you might want to enter (just a couple for now, as this is an accidentally stumbled upon contest edition rather than a searching for contest to link to edition). First, 10 awesome ARCs from The Story Siren here, and then a signed copy of Beth Fantaskey’s Jessica’s Guide To Dating on the Dark Side (which I really, really want to read) from Reading Keeps You Sane here. I would say good luck, but….I want to win! Particularly the second one!


There are lots of contests around the internet right now. If I’ve missed one, feel free to comment and tell me. This is what I’ve got right now, though. You could win:

And check out the comments for more!


So because we all like to win things, I’m sharing these contest links I’ve collected recently. For a little effort (sometimes no more than leaving a comment), you can get a chance to win:

Good luck!


There are many contests around the internets right now. Here are some opportunities to win books:

Good luck!


News Item #1: In case you hadn’t heard, the ALA Youth Media Awards were announced earlier this week. The one I was most excited about what Melina Marchetta’s Jellicoe Road winning the Printz Award! Definitely deserved. Check out the whole list of awards here. Possibly more thoughts on some to come at a later date, but don’t count on it.

News Item #2: Harmony is having many contests. Some are ending very soon! Check out her post with links to them all here. My favorite? The one for Alison Goodman’s Eon: Dragoneye Reborn. Wish me luck (and compete against me). 

Yeah, that’s it. Enjoy. 


The winner of the contest (chosen by on Karen Mahoney’s guest blog is Adele. Adele, you’ve won an ARC of Jessica’s Guide To Dating On The Dark Side and a signed UK copy of Tithe! What great prizes! I’m emailing you for your address. 


Here’s a few links for today. 

First of all, Readergirlz is giving away sets of The President’s Daughter series by Ellen Emerson White in honor of the inauguration. I read the older three books years and years ago, and would love to win my own copies and see if they’re as awesome as I remember! Go here for details

Harmony at Harmony Book Reviews is giving away an ARC of Deadly Little Secret by Laurie Faria Stolarz, which I’ve been wanting to read for ages! Check it out

And finally, Presidential poetry–by which I mean Elizabeth Alexander’s poem from the inauguration. Brooklyn Arden has posted a transcription of it. Lovely.


I stumbled across a couple of great contests while catching up on my blog reading.

At bookshelves of doom, you could win an ARC of Melissa Marr’s Fragile Eternity. To enter, tell her about an awesome fairy book–and repeats don’t count, so hurry up and get your entries in! Details here

And Kelsey at Reading Keeps You Sane is holding a contest where you could win a t-shirt from Stacey Jay’s book, You Are So Undead To Me, or, if you live overseas, a $10 Amazon gift certificate. Details here

Also, just a reminder to enter Karen Mahoney’s contest here on Teen Book Review if you haven’t done so already; it ends tomorrow. 


Presenting Lenore is having a great contest where you can win 5 Penguin ARCs (one of which I know for a fact is awesome and one of which I really want myself!) and at least three currently unknown other Penguin books. Check it out here.

And that’s all you’re getting from me today because I am currently in the middle of extensive, evil homework, and will be until sometime in the early hours of Tuesday morning. At which point I will go to IHOP and then to school on little to no sleep. Aren’t you jealous? (This is also why I am not currently responding to any sort of correspondance). 


Blogging, as you can probably guess, is something I consider very awesome. I also love printed books/magazines/newspapers/etc. So you can guess how excited I was to find out about the supercool project that is The Printed Blog. Basically, they’ll take a selection of the most fantastic stuff from diverse blogs across the internet and print it in newspaper form. You can submit any of your favorite blogs/pictures/etc., and I encourage you to do so. Does that not sound awesome?!? Even more awesome, they currently have a great giveaway going on here. Check them out on Twitter and Facebook, too. 


For a limited time, you can read Book One of John Flanagan’s The Ranger’s Apprentice series online free until February 15.

Here’s what the book is about: They have always scared him in the past—the Rangers, with their dark cloaks and shadowy ways. The villagers believe the Rangers practice magic that makes them invisible to ordinary people. And now 15-year-old Will, always small for his age, has been chosen as a Ranger’s apprentice. What he doesn’t yet realize is that the Rangers are the protectors of the kingdom. Highly trained in the skills of battle and surveillance, they fight the battles before the battles reach the people. And as Will is about to learn, there is a large battle brewing. The exiled Morgarath, Lord of the Mountains of Rain and Night, is gathering his forces for an attack on the kingdom. This time, he will not be denied. . . .

You can read the book right here:

Don’t you just love the whole idea of making books available for free, online? Hardcovers in particular are pretty expensive, so I think it’s quite awesome that Penguin is letting us read this book for free. Go enjoy it!

Like what you see? If you enjoyed that book, you can enter to win an ARC of book six in the series by commenting below! Tell me about the best book you’ve read recently, and I’ll pick two winners at random. This contest will close at 11:59 pm on February 15. 


Karen Mahoney is a writer who has also worked as a book buyer, and so is very knowledgeable about books in general. Read her guest blog about how she got into writing YA! 

First of all, a big Thank You to Jocelyn for letting me ‘borrow’ her corner of the internet. Teen Book Review is one of my favourite places to read about YA fiction, so it’s very cool to be here. 

As a writer of YA urban fantasy, I’m lucky enough to be represented by Miriam Kriss of the Irene Goodman Literary Agency in New York (despite the fact that I’m a Brit based in London). My first novel,The Iron Witch, is currently on submission to editors in the US, so any good vibes you want to send my way would be much appreciated. ;) Regardless of that, my debut publication is coming up later this year in an anthology of YA vampire stories, The Eternal Kiss (Running Press, Autumn 2009). My story is called ‘Falling to Ash’ and puts the spotlight on an important supporting character from The Iron Witch. Moth is a young vampire who returns to her hometown for a memorial service, one year after her mother’s death, but is reluctantly pulled back into the supernatural world while she’s there. What should be a routine job for her ‘boss’ turns into something with potentially deadly consequences. I’m excited to be a part of this anthology, and if you like vampire stories you’re in for a real treat with the amazing authors that are involved. 

I write YA fiction for so many reasons – and to be honest, I didn’t even know that I was a ‘YA writer’ until I first worked as a bookseller and realised how huge the Teenage Fiction section was. I never sat down and thought: “Okay then, I’m going to write for teenagers because that’s what sells!” I write for young adults simply because I happen to love writing about characters aged around 16-18. It’s an age where a lot happened in my life, and all of those experiences – the good and the bad – seem so much more powerful when you’re going through the inevitable changes that the teenage years bring. All those ‘first times’ that we go through at 17… It makes for wonderful drama and conflict in fiction. The potential for emotional writing is huge, and I love writing big emotional scenes. I remember how brave I could be at 17, while now I am much more cautious and (try to) think things through before acting. There’s a fearless quality to many teenagers I have known. 

My stories involve the fantastic existing alongside the ordinary – I love that combination! The possibilities are endless… My characters include vampires, shape-shifting elves, half-demons, witches, and a girl with iron tattoos that give her super-strength. How can you not want to get lost in a world that’s filled with darkness and excitement; romance and adventure; and huge life-or-death battles between good and evil – usually where the sides aren’t as clearly defined as you might like? 
I used to work with older teens as a student advisor, and I learned so much then. Not just about the young adults I worked with, but also about myself. I think it was then that I realised I wanted to focus on the teenage years in my fiction. Now that I’m writing YA contemporary fantasy I can truly allow my imagination to soar, while still keeping myself and the worlds I create firmly grounded in the very real issues of what it’s like to be a teenager. I remember 

that time pretty well (too well!), even though it sometimes seems very far away. To think that I’m writing books that might one day be read by young adults who experience things so passionately… That would be a dream-come-true. :) 

* * * 

Feel free to visit me at my blog – I update almost every day and ramble on about all sorts of things over there:

I am also part of a new website and group blog for nine urban fantasy and YA authors, which will launch on Monday.

* * * 

As an avid reader of all kinds of fiction – including YA urban fantasy, I’m giving away two books to one commenter: 

An ARC of Jessica’s Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey (due for release in February), and

a signed copy of the new UK edition of Tithe by the brilliant Holly Black. 

Just leave a comment telling me what you’re reading at the moment – or what the last book you read was – and Jocelyn will pick a winner and forward me that person’s details. I’ll mail to any country.

This contest will be open until 11:59 PM EST on Wednesday, January 24. Thanks, Karen!

Just a few today….

An awesome interview on Cynsations with literary agent Sarah Davies.

A contest on Harmony Book Reviews for a signed copy of Models Don’t Eat Chocolate Cookies.

Justine Larbalestier is answering writing questions all month on her blog.

My new Amazon storefront where you can get the latest and most awesome recommended-by-me reads. And help me be less poor.



Want to win free books? Who doesn’t? Click these links and you could win:


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