January 2008

More links from around the internet, including some great contests.

Here’s a contest about a book I haven’t read yet, Poseur. You could win a copy of the book, or a trip to  New Jersey to work on some cool magazines!

For the artistically inclined, here you can win deluxe art materials and other prizes for exercising your creativity.

This sounds really cool: The Pulse Blogfest, coming in March, will have tons of YA authors from Simon & Schuster answering reader questions.

Here’s a great post from GottaBook about how little people notice the screenwriters–a huge part of movie making!

I missed participating this week, but bloggers should take note of a new event in the blogosphere, Nonfiction Monday.

Wizards Wireless has some great advice for beginning bloggers! Even the more established bloggers among you will probably find something useful–I did! I get emails from people asking about how to get started on blogging & book reviewing all the time, so there’s definitely an audience for this post!

I’ve got an exciting treat for you all today: Melissa Marr, author of the fabulous books Wicked Lovely and the forthcoming Ink Exchange (review coming soon)! Melissa was nice enough to answer a few questions for me, and she’s got some great answers. For those of you that haven’t read Wicked Lovely, do so–you still have time before the release of Ink Exchange (which is a companion book, not a sequel, but your reading experience will be richer if you read Wicked Lovely). Also, just so you know, I’ve got some more great author interviews for you all in the coming weeks, so stay tuned! Anyway, thanks so much, Melissa, for doing this!

Can you tell me a little about your third novel and when it will be released (if you know yet)?

Right now, I’m calling it “Enthralled,” but I don’t know if that title will make it past the gatekeepers. We’ll see. While Ink Exchange is a companion novel to Wicked Lovely, the third text is more of a sequel to WL. It features Ash & Seth & Sorcha (head of the High Court) as narrative pov characters. Keenan, Donia, Niall, Irial & others are all in it. I’m not what else I can say just now because I do try not to get all spoiler-y. It’s a lot like WL, imo: more romance, less darkness. I believe the hardcover will be out Summer 09 in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, & New Zealand.

Could you share a bit about how you write–do you outline your books (or at least know where you’re going with them), where do you write, how many drafts do you usually do, etc.?

I’ll try. I typically write in my office. I sometimes write longhand when I’m on travels or outside somewhere. I always have music when I’m writing at the desk or on planes, but never do when I’m outside.

I don’t know how many drafts I do. I revise as I go, but then revise afterwards too. And, of course, with two primary editors to give me revision letters, I do a few editioral-directed revisions. Hmm. I revise as much as I possible. I enjoy revision a great deal.

The visual in my head for my process is like marking a map for a roadtrip. I have a few general landmarks/plot events highlighted. The stuff between them comes as I write. I write the events as I know them, and then I re-order & fill in the stuff from the middle out, or the end back, or the beginning forward depending on my mood that day. I’m not linear. . . which means I also write bits of other novels as I write this one. My agent calls it “organic”–which is probably nicer than calling it “disorderly & random.” The benefit of the way I work is that I have several projects in process regularly, which amuses me. The downside is that some of them aren’t going to be due to anyone for years, so I really should be working on the ones due now.

Was there any particular inspiration you can cite for Wicked Lovely and/or Ink Exchange, and, if so, what?

I don’t know that there’s a single inspiration for anything I write. In retrospect, we can often assign significance to an event/moment/cause. At the time though, do we think of it that way? I don’t. I can say now that WL started as a short story (which started with a name/word “Aislinn” which means “dream or vision). The story was rejected in both younger & adult markets. It lingered, so 8 months after I had set it aside, I started turning it into a novel.

Ink . . . That one’s harder to articulate. I know a number of people who’ve been addicts. One of the few people I’ve ever been in love with was an addict. And then there’s the tattoo element . . . I’m a devoted tattoo fan. And then there’s the logic thing–at the end of WL, it seems only logical to deal with the Dark Court. Stuff mixes, & suddenly there’s a novel.

How has being a published author different from what you had anticipated (if it is different)?

It’s so completely different that I’m often overwhelmed. I wrote the first book hoping for a quiet little deal to offset my teaching salary. Before that I’d written only one novel, some short stories, & poetry. I had no expectations of the things that’ve happened. I’m not sure I would’ve done it if I did know what it would be like. I’ve had two tours in 10 months, three book festivals, assorted industry events, book signings, and all sorts of things I had no clue of how to handle. My agent and the folks at Harper US & UK (& at several of my foreign houses) have guided me through the confusion, but I still feel rather babe-in-the-woods sometimes. I’m happy, but it’s been a steep learning curve with not enough sleep.

Do you plan to or would you like to write novels in other genres besides YA urban fantasy? If so, what?

I’m under contract for a manga series (set in the same world), an adult UF anthology, and a new YA contract (for books 4, 5, & 6). The contract for those next 3 books is very open-ended. I could do 3 more novels in this world, or another world, or not-fantasy . . . I like that. Somewhere along the way I’m hoping to write not-fantasy too. It’s really about whichever story feels right at the time though. I write what my muse allows, no more, no less.

Why do you write for young adults? What do you think is different about writing for teens than for other audiences?

I don’t know that I set out to be a “YA author.” For over a decade, I taught university –first as a grad student and then as my FT job. I did guest lectures in high school. I have a teen daughter–with whom I read piles of books. It makes a certain amount of sense that when I started to write it would be influenced by the people I spent the most time with–my students & my kids.

How is it different? I guess I don’t think it is. I try to tell a good story with real characters. The big difference is that the teens I know will tell me if I suck, so I’m trying to make sure I don’t disrespect them by trying to sound all Let Me Teach You My Truths. I know my own values filter in–I am an egalitarian, think volition is critical, think body art is fun, et etc–but I don’t want to write anything that’s didactic or tedious. I try to be responsible– in WL I mention the importance of STD testing & precautions–but I’d do that in adult books too. My goal is just to tell a good story in a real way. Some of those stories are YA; some aren’t.

What are some of your favorite YA books or authors?

Off the top of my head I’d say Laurie Halse Anderson (Speak is brilliant), Clare Dunkle, Annette Curtis Klause, A.M. Jenkins, Holly Black’s YA books, Rachel Cohn & David Levithan’s Nick & Norah (one of the best YA books I’ve read), . . . of course, I’m sure I’m forgetting far more than I’m remembering.

Oooh, and recently I fell madly in love with a two unreleased YA books– Graceling by Kristin Cashore (out in Oct) and The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong (out in August). One of the fun perks of this job is getting to read books early. Even though I read these pre-release, I’ll be buying them on release.

What are your favorite and least favorite parts about being a published author?

I’d love to sound all authorly, but my fav part is the same as with any job–it’s fun. I’m horribly lacking in discipline in that I only do jobs that are fun. Of course, I believe most anything can be fun for a while–I’ve been a bartender, cocktail waitress, secretarial assistant, archeology dig general worker, lit teacher, daycare worker . . . It’s all fun for a while. The least appealing part? I’ll let you know when I get to it :)

You talk sometimes about your tattoos on your blog, and tattoos play a big part in your upcoming novel Ink Exchange. How many tattoos do you have, and which ones have the most meaning to you?

Technically I only have 3, but two are largish. I don’t know that any are “more” meaningful; it’s like picking the “best” book or the fav character or most loved child. They are all valued for different reasons. My muse is tattooed on my spine, dancing on an earthen mound with bones & flowers poking thru the soil. An ivy vine with lilies entwined throughout it wraps my torso & is going to start growing down my right arm sooner or later. Both of the those are in progress still. Ms Muse still needs a background, & my vines aren’t quite done growing. The third one is at the top of my spine. It’s a faith symbol. All of my art is carefully planned, and none of it is out where it’s casually visible (unless I’m at the beach or have my hair up in a knot).

Is there any question you wish I’d asked, or anything else you’d like to share?

No other questions, but I always like the chance to just say thanks to the people who have shared their reading hours with my characters. It’s surreal sometimes to realize that the world & people in my head are out there in people’s hands. Thank you for that.

Thanks for doing this!

It was my pleasure. Thanks for having me.

I’m joining another challenge! This one is The Short Story Reading Challenge, hosted at Kate’s Book Blog. I’m going to read at least six short story collections over the course of 2008. I’m not entirely sure what they will be yet, though. I’ll be including grl2grl by Julie Anne Peters, but that’s all I know so far!

First Kiss (Then Tell) is an anthology filled with the true first-kiss stories from a number of fantastic YA authors, including Deb Caletti, Justine Larbalestier, David Levithan, Alyson Noel, and Scott Westerfeld. The stories are told in different forms–stories, plays, comics, poems (Scott Westerfeld writes a haiku! I love haiku)–and are very different stories, from the funny to sweet and awkward to disgusting. Overall, this book is a lot of fun!

The story that stood out to me the most was Paul Ruditis’s, Improvisation. It’s a “dramatic reenactment” that made me laugh out loud, it’s just so short and sweet and funny and perfect. I also really enjoyed a couple of the cartoons, which surprised me, because I don’t read graphic novels or anything. Maybe I should; A Brief History of First Kisses written by David Levithan with words by Nick Eliopulos was one of my favorites, as was Amy Kim Ganter’s The Third First Kiss. Another one that I really liked was the story of Shannon and Dean Hale’s first kiss with each other (a story that they both tell differently).

I didn’t love every story in this collection; some were just, “eh,” and some were good but not really my thing (I have a weak stomach, so some of them made me rather nauseous!). It’s a well-executed project, though; great concept, great title, great lineup of authors! And there are quite a few awesome stories here. It’s certainly worth reading!

Sara Zarr is the author of the much-loved and rather brilliant Story of a Girl. Sweethearts is her second novel, and, in my opinion, the better of the two (which, seriously, is so impressive; her first book is amazing!).

In elementary school, Jennifer Harris was an outcast. She was chubby and usually alone, until she met Cameron. Cameron had his own struggles, and the two of them became friends. They were each other’s best friends, only friends, really, with a bond that was far deeper and stronger than those of most kids that age, who may be friends bonding over tuna fish and jump rope one day, and bitter enemies the next. Cameron was all Jennifer had, but then, one day, he disappeared.

Then she hears some awful news: Cameron’s dead.

Or is he? Years later, Jennifer has moved, gotten a new stepfather, and new identity. She’s now Jenna Vaughn, a pretty, thin, popular high school senior. And then, her world turns upside-down: Cameron may not be as gone as she thought. She gets a note from her supposedly-dead best friend.

I don’t want to give too much away here, but, seriously, wow. This is an amazing book. The characters absolutely shine. They are so fully-developed, and incredibly real. Their relationships, too; Sara Zarr has a wonderful grasp of human relationships. Her writing is really incredible. She draws the reader into the story so completely. Sweethearts totally blew me away, with Sara Zarr’s amazing ability to capture the characters, the voice, the feelings–everything–absolutely perfectly. Readers will be racing to discover the truth about Cameron and Jenna, their pasts and presents. The narrative encompasses stories from their past and from their present, sacrificing neither. The ending wasn’t what I would have preferred, but it fit the story. The only thing I would have liked to be different about this book is a bit selfish–I wish it was longer! The characters are amazing and relatble, and I love the story, and I just would have loved to read more about Jenna and Cameron. This book comes out February 1st, according to Amazon, and I highly suggest that you rush to your nearest bookstore and grab a copy as soon as possible.

I’m joining yet another challenge! This one is the Printz Award Challenge, hosted at The Hidden Side of a Leaf. Joining this challenge means I agree to read at least six Printz award winners or honor books between January and December 2008. I’ve listed some possibilities, but, again, I reserve the right to change the list at any time!

  1. The Astonishing Life Of Octavian Nothing, Traitor To The Nation, vol. One: The Pox Party by MT Anderson
  2. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
  3. I Am The Messenger by Markus Zusak
  4. Chanda’s Secrets by Allan Stratton
  5. A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnely
  6. The Earth, My Butt, And Other Big Round Things by Carolyn Mackler
  7. Keesha’s House by Helen Frost
  8. Fat Kid Rules The World by KL Going
  9. A Step From Heaven by An Na

I’ve never participated in Poetry Friday before. Today, though, I am doing so–because of English class! We read a poem today in my English class that I really liked, enough to share it with you all here. That’s pretty remarkable, considering how I usually hate my English class, what we read for it, and the whole idea of required reading. Without further ado, here it is, America by Tony Hoagland:

Then one of the students with blue hair and a tongue stud

Says that America is for him a maximum-security prison

Whose walls are made of RadioShacks and Burger Kings, and MTV episodes

Where you can’t tell the show from the commercials,

And as I consider how to express how full of shit I think he is,

He says that even when he’s driving to the mall in his Isuzu

Trooper with a gang of his friends, letting rap music pour over them

Like a boiling Jacuzzi full of ballpeen hammers, even then he feels

Buried alive, captured and suffocated in the folds Of the thick satin quilt of America

And I wonder if this is a legitimate category of pain, or whether he is just spin doctoring a better grade…

Read the full poem here 

You can find the Poetry Friday roundup at Mentor Texts, Read Alouds, and More.

Created by Eva at A Striped Armchair.

Which book do you irrationally cringe away from reading, despite seeing only positive reviews? The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I really will read it soon, I promise! Everyone absolutely gushes about this book, but I have yet to be able to bring myself to read it. Maybe I’m afraid of disappointment?

If you could bring three characters to life for a social event (afternoon tea, a night of clubbing, perhaps a world cruise), who would they be and what would the event be?
I love travelling so, regardless of the characters, we’ll be going around the world! Although, you know, if you asked me tomorrow, my list would probably be different, but today I pick Aly from the Trickster series by Tamora Pierce, because, well, she’s awesome, Artemis Fowl because I am just so fascinated by his character, and, anyway, nothing would be boring with him around, and Fred Weasley because Fred is amazing and I would take any chance to bring him back from the dead!

(Borrowing shamelessly from the Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde): you are told you can’t die until you read the most boring novel on the planet. While this immortality is great for awhile, eventually you realise it’s past time to die. Which book would you expect to get you a nice grave? I’ve been meaning to read Jasper Fforde’s series….Anyway, I imagine it would probably be some 1000-page plotless novel, but I am afraid none are coming to mind at the moment.

Come on, we’ve all been there. Which book have you pretended, or at least hinted, that you’ve read, when in fact you’ve been nowhere near it? Hmm….I don’t know if this really counts, but I have been known to have pretended to read various reading assignments for English without ever opening the book.

As an addition to the last question, has there been a book that you really thought you had read, only to realise when you read a review about it/go to ‘reread’ it that you haven’t? Which book? I don’t know of any at the moment.

You’re interviewing for the post of Official Book Advisor to some VIP (who’s not a big reader). What’s the first book you’d recommend and why? (if you feel like you’d have to know the person, go ahead of personalise the VIP) Hmm…Ophelia, by Lisa Klein, is one I often cite as my favorite book, but the real answer is much more complicated than that! However, I do think anyone would enjoy that book, so I’ll go ahead and recommend it. It has everything a good book needs!

A good fairy comes and grants you one wish: you will have perfect reading comprehension in the foreign language of your choice. Which language do you go with? Spanish. I am at least proficient in Spanish, but to be able to read a book or magazine in the language without knowing or caring where my dictionary is would be wonderful!

A mischievious fairy comes and says that you must choose one book that you will reread once a year for the rest of your life (you can read other books as well). Which book would you pick? Ophelia, by Lisa Klein. As I said, this is one of my favorites. I would love to be able to do lots of rereading, guilt-free, starting with this, but I can’t; there’s so much new stuff I’ve got to read for one reason or another!

I know that the book blogging community, and its various challenges, have pushed my reading borders. What’s one bookish thing you ‘discovered’ from book blogging (maybe a new genre, or author, or new appreciation for cover art-anything)? There’s a lot that I’ve discovered! New books, mostly. I could seriously go on and on, but I  guess I’ll just say that it was through the blogging community that I learned about Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr, a recent favorite of mine.

That good fairy is back for one final visit. Now, she’s granting you your dream library! Describe it. Is everything leatherbound? Is it full of first edition hardcovers? Pristine trade paperbacks? Perhaps a few favourite authors have inscribed their works? Go ahead-let your imagination run free. My dream library has floor-to-ceiling shelves all around it (and those are high shelves–I have a ladder) with every book I ever wish for (it’s a magic fairy. So who says I can’t have a magical library?), and all are kept organised by the magic so I can find them when I need to! There’s also a fireplace that lights itself (as I am not good with fire. See: incident in my grandmother’s bathroom with a big candle), a big comfy sofa, an armchair, a table to set books on, and a mini-fridge so that I don’t have to leave my reading when I get thirsty!

And now, let’s say everyone has to tag four people (more than that becomes a hassle, imho) I tag…

Ritka’s Ramblings (Maggie), Miss Erin (Erin), The Shady Glade (Alyssa), and The Page Flipper (Chelsea).

New! I’ve set up a FeedBlitz account so you can keep track of my posts. It will email and tell you whenever there is a new post on this blog, and from there you can click through to the whole entry. Click here to subscribe (link will be in the sidebar, too).

Again, I have for you, a round-up of recently discovered awesome links.

First of all are two related posts (one a response to the other) about a panel about kidlit blogs. The original is here, at Reader’s Carousel, and then read the one at Reading and Breathing.

If you’re a blogger who loves challenges, you’ve got to check out A Novel Challenge, a blog totally devoted to announcing new reading challenges!

Check out this interview with Miss Erin, an awesome blogger who was on the Cybils MG Fiction panel with me!

Make sure you don’t miss the latest issue of The Edge of The Forest!

Stephanie Hale has posted about How To Name Your Characters over at Books, Boys, Buzz.

The January Carnival of Children’s Literature is up! This month’s theme is book awards, and there are some great posts.

I’ve decided to join yet another challenge! This one is the First In A Series Challenge, hosted over at Thoughts of Joy.

The challenge runs from January to December 2008, during which time participants must complete twelve books that are the first in a series.

Here are fourteen possibilities, though I reserve the right to change this list; I don’t like to have my reading plans (or any plans, really) set in stone. Also, I’m not sure all of these count; there have to be at least three books in the series, and I’m not sure all of these will end up being trilogies. For the newer releases, I just know that somewhere there is something about it being “book one.” So, I don’t know about all of them.

  1. A House of Night: Marked by PC And Kristin Cast
  2. Hallowmere: In The Serpent’s Coils by Tiffany Trent
  3. Chasing Yesterday: Awakening by Robin Wasserman
  4. Vampire Academy Book One by Richelle Mead
  5. Crystal Doors: Island Realm by Rebecca Moesta and Kevin J Anderson
  6. The Promises of Doctor Sigmundus: The Hollow People by Brian Keaney
  7. The Seventh Tower: The Fall by Garth Nix
  8. A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray (this is a re-read, but I want to read it before The Sweet Far Thing)
  9. Drama!: The Four Dorothys by Paul Ruditis.
  10. Fairies of Dreamdark: Blackbringer by Laini Taylor
  11. May Bird and the Ever After by Jodi Lynn Anderson
  12. The Au Pairs by Melissa de la Cruz
  13. Eragon by Christopher Paolini (I know I’m like the only person in the world who hasn’t read this yet!)
  14. Goose Girl by Shannon Hale (This is the first, right?)

A comment on my review of Katherine Applegate’s Home of the Brave really made me think. Kathy Teufel said, “I haven’t seen any criticisms of this book about a Sudanese immigrant child/family being written by a caucasian.”

Why would she? Why should an author have to experience something to write about it? If that were the case, we’d never get to enjoy historical fiction or paranormal stories or fantasy or sci-fi. Also, why is it specifically mentioned that she’s caucasian? No, she’s not a Sudanese immigrant–but neither is an African-American woman who has lived in America all her life.

I’m not picking on Kathy, just sharing my thoughts. That, in my opinion, is the beauty of fiction–that writers can use their imaginations. They don’t have to write about things they’ve experienced. A middle-aged Chinese woman in 2004, with some research, imagination, and writing talent, could write a wonderful book about a twelve-year-old British boy in 1914, if she so chose! I don’t think that we, as writers, are limited by our experience. Or, at least, we shouldn’t be. We can and should draw upon our own experiences, but if that’s all we did, well, most people don’t lead particularly interesting lives. And those who do may not be able to write well! Good writers can put themselves in the minds of any characters, in any time or place.

There’s also the fact that we are all fundamentally the same. Our differences are wonderful and interesting, but we are all people. We all have the same types of emotions, even if they are triggered by different experiences, and authors can use that to write about people in different times or places. That, as I said before, is the beauty of fiction! We can all put ourselves in the places of all sorts of different people, helped along by great authors, by reading wonderful novels of far-off places and long-ago times.

That’s my opinion, but, if you disagree, I’d love to hear from you.

Yet another YALSA list! This one is Quick Picks for Reluctant Readers 2008. As before, those underlined are those I will probably read soon, and those in bold are the ones I’ve read already. Again, I draw the conclusion that as a reader of YA books, I suck. I should read more.

Adams, Leonora. Baby Girl. 2007. Simon and Schuster/ Simon Pulse, $6.99 ISBN13: 978-1-4169-2512-5.

Anderson, Laurie Halse. Twisted. 2007. Penguin Group/ Viking Press, $16.99 ISBN13: 978-0-670-061013.

Aronson, Sarah. Head Case. 2007. Roaring Brook Press/ Deborah Brodie, $16.95 ISBN13: 978-1-59643-214-7.

Asher, Jay. Thirteen Reasons Why. 2007. Penguin Group/ Razorbill, $16.99 ISBN13: 978-1-5951-4-1712.

Barnes, Jennifer Lynn. Tattoo. 2007. Random House/ Delacorte Press, $7.99 ISBN13: 978-0-385-903639.

Blank, Jessica. Almost Home. 2007. Hyperion, $15.99 ISBN13: 978-1-4231-0642-5.

Brewer, Heather. The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: Eighth Grade Bites. Penguin Group/ Dutton, $16.95 ISBN13: 978-0-5254-7-8119.

Cast, P.C. and Kristen Cast. Marked The House of Night, book 1. 2007. St. Martin’s Press/ Griffin, $8.95 ISBN13: 978-0-312-36026-9.

Cast, P.C. and Kristen Cast. Betrayed The House of Night Novel, book 2. St. Martin’s Press/ Griffin, $8.95 ISBN13: 978-0-312-36028-3.

Castellucci, Cecil. Beige. 2007. Candlewick Press, $16.99 ISBN13: 978-0-7636-3066-9.

Cooney, Caroline B. Diamonds in the Shadow. 2007. Random House/ Delacorte, $18.99 ISBN13: 978-1-4000-7423-5.

Cross, Shauna. Derby Girl. 2007. Henry Holt, $15.95 ISBN13: 978-0-8050-8023-0.

Crutcher, Chris. Deadline. 2007. HarperCollins, $16.99 ISBN13: 978-0-06-085089-0.

Davis, Mark, Mike Davis and Brandon Schultz. Blokhedz: Book 1 of Genesis. 2007. Simon and Schuster/ Pocket Books, $12.95 ISBN13: 978-1-4165-4073-1.

de la Cruz, Melissa. Masquerade: A Blue Bloods Novel. 2007. Hyperion, $15.99 ISBN13: 978-0-78683896.

Erskine, Kathryn. Quaking. 2007. Penguin Group/ Philomel Books, $16.99 ISBN13: 978-0-399-24774-3.

Fields, Terri. Holdup. 2007. Roaring Brook, $16.95 ISBN13: 978-1-59643-219-2. When fast food and crime come together.

Flinn, Alex. Beastly. 2007. HarperCollins/ Harper Tempest, $16.99 ISBN13: 978-0-06087416-2.

Fullerton. Alma. Walking on Glass. 2007. HarperCollins/ HarperTempest, $15.99 ISBN13: 978-0-06-077851-2.

Gonzalez, Julie. Ricochet. 2007. Random House/ Delacorte, $15.99 ISBN13: 978-0385732284.

Grant, Vicki. I.D. 2007. Orca Books, $8.95 ISBN13: 978-1-55143-694-4.

Gratz, Alan. Something Rotten: A Horatio Wilkes Mystery. Penguin Group/ Dial Books, $16.99 ISBN13: 978-0-8037-3216-2.

Halpern, Julie. Get Well Soon. 2007. Fiewel & Friends, $16.95 ISBN13: 978-0-312-36795-4.

Harazin, S. A. Blood Brothers. 2007. Random House/ Delacorte, $15.99 ISBN13: 978-0-385733649.

Harmon, Micheal. Skate. October, 2006. Random House/ Knopf, $15.95 ISBN13: 978-0-375-97516-5.

Harvey, Sarah N. Bull’s Eye. 2007. Orca Books, $8.95 ISBN13: 978-1-55143-679-1.

Henderson, J. A. Bunker 10. 2007. Harcourt, $17.00 ISBN13: 978-0-15-206240-8.

Hopkins, Ellen. Glass. 2007. Simon & Schuster/ Margaret K. McElderry Books, $16.99 ISBN13: 978-1-4169-4090-6.

Hopkins, Ellen. Impulse. 2007. Simon and Schuster/ Margaret K. McElderry Books, $18.99 ISBN13: 978-1-4169-0356-9.

Jacobs, Deborah Lynn. Choices. 2007. Roaring Brook Press, $16.95 ISBN13: 978-1-59643-217-8.

Johnston, Jeffrey W. Fragments. 2007. Simon & Schuster/ Simon Pulse, $6.99 ISBN13: 978-1-4169-2486-9.

Knowles, Jo. Lessons from a Dead Girl. 2007. Candlewick Press, $16.99 ISBN13: 978-0-7636-3279-3.

Koertge, Ron. Strays. 2007. Candlewick Press, $16.99 ISBN13: 978-0-7636-2705-8.

Lane, Dakota. The Secret Life of It Girls. 2007. Simon and Schuster/ Ginee Seo Books, $14.99 ISBN13: 978-1-4169-1492-1.

Lubar, David. True Talents. 2007. Tom Doherty/ Starscape, $17.95 ISBN13: 978-0-7653-0977-8.

Lynn, Erin. Demon Envy. 2007. Penguin Group/ Berkley, $9.99 ISBN13: 978-0-425-21737-5.

Mackler, Carolyn. Guyaholic: The Story of Finding, Flirting, Forgetting…and the Boy Who Changes Everything. 2007. Candlewick Press, $16.99 ISBN13: 978-0-7636-2537-5.

McClintock, Norah. Bang! 2007. Orca Books, $8.95 ISBN13: 978-1-55143-654-8. McClintock, Norah. Down. 2007. Orca Books, $8.95 ISBN13: 978-1-55143-766-8.

McKayhan, Monica. Indigo Summer. 2007. Harlequin/ Kimani Tru, $9.99 ISBN13: 978-0-373-83075-6.

McNab, Andy and Robert Rigby. Avenger. 2007. Penguin Group/ Putnam, $16.99 ISBN13: 978-0-399-24685-2.

Mead, Richelle. Vampire Academy. 2007. Penguin Group/ Razorbill, $8.99 ISBN13: 978-1-59414-174-3.

Myers, Walter Dean. What They Found: Love on 145th Street. 2007. Random House/ Wendy Lamb Books, $15.99 ISBN13: 978-038532189.

Nance, Andrew and Polhemus, Colin, illus. Daemon Hall. 2007. Henry Holt, $16.95 ISBN13: 978-0805081718.

Plummer, Louise. Finding Daddy. 2007. Random House/ Delacorte, $15.95 ISBN13: 978-0-385-70392-1.

Pow, Tom. Captives. 2007. Roaring Brook Press, $17.95 ISBN13: 978-1-59643-201-7.

Reinhardt, Dana. Harmless. 2007. Random House/ Wendy Lamb, $15.99 ISBN13: 978-0-385-74699-1.

Ryan, Darlene. Responsible. 2007. Orca Books, $8.95 ISBN13: 978-1-55143-685-2.

Schreiber, Mark. Star Crossed. 2007. Llewelyn/ Flux, $8.95 ISBN13: 978-0-7387-1001-3.

Sewell, Earl. Keysha’s Drama. 2007. Harlequin/ Kimani Tru, $9.99 ISBN13: 978-0-373-83079-3.

Shakespeare, William, Rishard Appignasi and Sonia Leong, illus. Manga Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet. 2007. Abrams/ Amulet Books, $9.95 ISBN13: 978-0-8109-9325-2.

Shaw, Susan. Safe. 2007. Penguin Group/ Dutton, $16.99 ISBN13: 978-0-525-47829-4.

Showalter, Gena. Oh My Goth. 2006. Simon and Schuster/ MTV Books, $9.95 ISBN13: 978-1-4165-2474-8.

Shusterman, Neal. Unwind. 2007. Simon and Schuster, $16.99 ISBN13: 978-1-4169-1204-0.

Sitomer, Alan L. Homeboyz. Hyperion/ Jump at the Sun, $16.99 ISBN13: 978-1-4231-0030-0.

Smith, Roland. Peak. 2007. Harcourt, $16.99 ISBN13: 978-0-15-202417-8.

Sones, Sonya. What My Girlfriend Doesn’t Know. 2007. Simon & Schuster, $15.99 ISBN13: 978-0-689-87602-8.

St. James, James. Freak Show. 2007. Penguin Group/ Dutton, $18.99 ISBN13: 978-0-525-47799-0.

Stone, Jeff. Crane. 2007. Random House, $15.99 ISBN13: 978-09375-83077-8. Identity revealed in a marital arts battle.

Strasser, Todd. Boot Camp. 2007. Simon and Schuster, $15.99 ISBN13: 978-1-4169-0848-7.

Sweeney, Joyce. Headlock. 2006. Henry Holt, $16.95 ISBN13: 978-0-8050-8018-6.

Tullson, Diane. The Darwin Expedition. 2007. Orca Books, $8.95 ISBN13: 978-155143-676-0.

Van Diepen, Allison. Snitch. 2007. Simon and Schuster/ Simon Pulse, $6.99 ISBN13: 978-1-4169-5030-1.

Vande Velde, Vivian. Remembering Raquel. 2007. Harcourt, $16.00 ISBN13: 978-0-15-205976-7.

Velez, Ivan. Dead High Yearbook. 2007. Penguin Group/ Dutton, $18.99 ISBN13: 978-0-525-47783-9.

Volponi, Paul. Rucker Park Setup. 2007. Penguin Group/ Viking, $15.99 ISBN13: 978-0-670-06130-3.

Vrettos, Adrienne Maria. Sight. 2007. Simon and Schuster/ Margaret K. McElderry Books, $16.99 ISBN13: 978-1-4169-0657-5.

Wasserman, Robin. Chasing Yesterday: Book 1, The Awakening. 2007. Scholastic, $5.99 ISBN13: 978-0-439-93338-4.

Watson, C.G. Quad. 2007. Penguin Group/ Razorbill, $16.99 ISBN13: 978-1-59514-138-5.

Wiess, Laura. Such A Pretty Girl. 2007. Simon & Schuster/ MTV Books, $12.00 ISBN13: 978-1-58180-847-6.

Zarr, Sara. Story of a Girl. 2007. Little, Brown & Co., $16.99 ISBN13: 978-0-316-01453-3.


50 Cent. 50 x 50: 50 Cent in His Own Words. 2007. Simon and Schuster/ Pocket Books, $35.00 ISBN13: 978-1-4165-4471-5.

Alvarado, Melissa, Hope Meng and Melissa Rannels with Matthew Carden, illus. Subversive Seamster: Transform Thrift Store Threads into Street Couture. 2007. Tauton Press, $17.00 ISBN13: 978-1-59514-171-2.

Aranzi, Aronzo. The Bad Book. 2007. Vertical, Inc., $12.95 ISBN13: 978-1-93223469-5.

Ash, Russell. Firefly’s World of Facts. 2007. Firefly, $29.95 ISBN13: 978-1-55407-313-9.

Bey, Dawoud. Class Pictures. 2007. Aperture, $45.00 ISBN13: 978-1-59711-043-3.

Blakeney, Faith & Justina and Ellen Schultz. 99 Ways to Cut, Sew and Deck Out Your Denim. 2007. Crown Books/ Potter Craft, $19.95 ISBN13: 978-0-307-35170-8.

Carlowicz, Michael. Moon. 2007. Abrams, $19.95 ISBN13: 978-0-8109-9307-5.

Chryssicas, Mary Kaye. Breathe: Yoga for Teens. 2007.

Dorling Kindersly, $15.00 ISBN13: 978-0-756-62661-7.

Cooper, Robbie. Alter Ego: Digital Avatars and Their Creators. 2007.Chris Boot Ltd., $29.95 ISBN13: 978-1-905712-02-1.

Dingle, Adrian with Simon Basher, illus. The Periodic Table: Elements with Style. 2007. Houghton Mifflin/ Kingfishers, $8.95 ISBN13: 978-0-7534-6085-6.

Editors of CosmoGirl!. Cosmogirl! Make it Yourself: 50 Fun and Funky Projects. 2007. Sterling/ Hearst, $10.95 ISBN13: 978-158816-624-1.

Editors of Inside Cheerleading. Cheerleading: From Tryouts to Championships. 2007. Rizzoli/ Universe, $29.95 ISBN13: 978-0-7893-1565-6.

Editors of Seventeen Magazine. Seventeen Real Girl, Real Life Stories: True Crime. 2007. Sterling/ Hearst, $4.95 ISBN13: 978-1-58816-648-1.

Everhart, Mike. Sea Monsters: Prehistoric Monsters of the Deep. 2007. National Geographic, $29.95 ISBN13: 978-1-4262-0085-4.

Gee, Joshua. Encyclopedia Horrifica. 2007. Scholastic, $14.95 ISBN13: 978-0-4399-2-2555.

Golus, Carrie. Tupac Shakur. 2007. Lerner Publications, $27.93 ISBN13: 978-0-8225-6609-0.

Grahame-Smith, Seth. How to Survive a Horror Movie: All the Skills to Dodge the Kills. 2007. Chronicle Books/ Quirk, $14.95 ISBN13: 978-1-59474-179-1.

Grandits, John. Blue Lipstick: Concrete Poems. 2007. Clarion Books, $15.00 ISBN13: 978-0-618-56860-4.

Greenfield, Lauren. Thin. 2006. Chronicle Books, $35.00 ISBN13: 978-0-8118-5633-1.

Grody, Steve and James Prigoff. Graffiti L.A.: Street and Art. 2007. Abrams, $34.99 ISBN13: 978-0-8-1099-2986.

Handy, Roger and Karin Elsener. Found Photos: Rear Ends. 2007. Abrams Image, $14.95 ISBN13: 978-0-8109-0926-7.

Harrington, Jane. Extreme Pets Handbook. 2007. Scholastic/ Tangerine, $12.99 ISBN13: 978-0-439-82948-9.

Hess, Nina. A Practical Guide to Monsters. 2007. Wizards of the Coast/ Mirrorstone, $12.95 ISBN13: 978-0-7869-4809-3.

Jamal, Joesph. Tupac Shakur Legacy. 2006. Simon and Schuster/ Atria, $45.00 ISBN13: 978-0-7432-92603.

Lee, John. Street Scene. 2007. F&W Publications/ Impact Books, $19.99 ISBN13: 978-1-158180-847-6.

Lewry, Fraser and Tom Ryan. Kittenwar. 2007. Chronicle Books, $14.95 ISBN13: 978-0-81185980-6.

Pardes, Bronwen. Doing It Right: Making Smart, Safe and Satisfying Choices about Sex. 2007. Simon and Schuster/ Simon Pulse, $14.99 ISBN13: 978-1-4169-1823.

Pearce, Fred. Earth: Then and Now. 2007. Firefly, $39.95 ISBN13: 978-1-55407-298-9.

Pearson, Felicia “Snoop” and David Ritz. Grace After Midnight: A Memoir. 2007. Grand Central, $22.00 ISBN13: 978-0-446-19518-8.

Rogge, Hannah and Adrian Buckmaster, illus. Save This Shirt! 2007.

Stewart, Tabori and Chang, $19.95 ISBN13: 978-1-58479-584-1.

Salant, James. Leaving Dirty Jersey: A Crystal Meth Memoir. 2007. Simon and Schuster/ Simon Spotlight Entertainment, $21.00 ISBN13: 978-1-4169-3629-9.

Shivak, Nadia. Inside Out: Portrait of an Eating Disorder. 2007. Simon and Schuster/ Atheneum, $17.99 ISBN13: 978-0-689-85216-9.

Simonson, Louise. DC Comics Covergirls. 2007. Rizzoli/ Universe, $39.95 ISBN13: 978-0-78931544-1.

Smedman, Lisa. From Boneshakers to Choppers: The Rip-Roaring History of Motorcycles. 2007. Annick Press, $24.95 ISBN13: 978-1-55451-016-0.

Thalia. Thalia: Belleza!: Lessons in Lipgloss and Happiness. 2007. Chronicle Books, $19.95 ISBN13: 978-0-8118-5829-8.

Warren, Frank. A Lifetime of Secrets: A PostSecret Book. 2007. HarperCollins/ William Morrow, $27.95 ISBN13: 978-0-06123860-4.

Willet, Edward. Jimi Hendrix: Kiss the Sky. 2006. Enslow, $27.93 ISBN13: 978-0-7660-2449-6.

Yoshinaga, Masayuki. Gothic and Lolita. 2007. Phaidon Press, $29.95 ISBN13: 978-0-7148-4785-6.

Here’s another YALSA list. As before, I’ve read those in bold, and will probably read the underlined books soon (meaning, mostly, that I own them or I’ve seen them at the library or know someone who owns them or something). Of course, ‘soon’ is relative…Anyway, conclusions that I draw from this are that I’ve basically failed as a reader of young adult literature. Those I’m going to read, well, there are a lot more of those than those I have read.


Alexie, Sherman. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian. Illus. by Ellen Forney. Little, Brown, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-316-01368-0; $16.99.

Alexie, Sherman. Flight. Grove/Atlantic Black Cat, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-8021-7037-8; $13.00.

Anderson, Laurie Halse. Twisted. Penguin Group USA/Viking, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-670-06101-3; $16.99.

Asher, Jay. Thirteen Reasons Why. Penguin Group USA/Razorbill, 2007; ISBN13: 978-1-59514-171-2; $16.99.

Beah, Ishmael. A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier. 2007. Farrar, Straus & Giroux/Sarah Crichton, $22.00 (978-0-374-10523-5).

Brande, Robin. Evolution, Me, and Other Freaks of Nature. Random House/Alfred A. Knopf, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-375-94349-2; $15.99.

Brooks, Martha. Mistik Lake. Farrar, Straus & Giroux/Melanie Kroupa, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-374-34985-1; $16.00.

Burgess, Melvin. Bloodsong. Simon & Schuster/Simon Pulse, 2007; ISBN13: 978-1-4169-3616-9; $7.99.

Cameron, Peter. Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You. Farrar, Straus & Giroux/Frances Foster, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-374-30989-3; $16.00.

Carey, Janet Lee. Dragon’s Keep. Harcourt, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-15-205926-2; $17.00.

Carey, Mike. The Re-Gifters. Illus. by Sonny Liew and Mark Hempel.DC Comics/Vertigo, 2007; ISBN13: 978-1-4012-0303-0; $19.99.

Cassidy, Anne. Looking for JJ. Harcourt, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-15-206190-6; $17.00.

Castellucci, Cecil. Beige. Candlewick, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-7636-3066-9; $16.99.

Clarke, Judith. One Whole and Perfect Day. Front Street, 2007; ISBN13: 978-1-932425-95-6; $16.95.

Compestine, Ying Chang. Revolution Is Not a Dinner Party. Henry Holt, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-8050-8207-4; $16.95.

Cross, Shauna. Derby Girl. Henry Holt, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-8050-8023-0; $16.95.

Cullen, Lynn. I Am Rembrandt’s Daughter. Bloomsbury, 2007; ISBN13: 978-1-59990-046-9; $16.95.

Dowd, Siobhan. A Swift Pure Cry. Random House/David Fickling, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-385-75108-7; $16.99.

Downham, Jenny. Before I Die. Random House/David Fickling, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-385-75155-1; $15.99.

Doyle, Larry. I Love You, Beth Cooper. Illus. by Evan Dorkin. HarperCollins/Ecco, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-06-123617-4; $19.95.

Ellis, Ann Dee. This Is What I Did. Little, Brown, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-316-01363-5; $16.99.

Felin, M. Sindy. Touching Snow. Atheneum, 2007; ISBN13: 978-1-4169-1795-3; $16.99.

Friesen, Gayle. For Now. Kids Can Press, 2007; ISBN13: 978-1-55453-133-2; $7.95.

Gipi. Notes for a War Story. Spectrum. Translated by Spectrum. Illus. by Gipi. Roaring Brook/First Second, 2007; ISBN13: 978-1-59643-261-1; $16.95.

Grey, Christopher. Leonardo’s Shadow: Or, My Astonishing Life as Leonardo da Vinci’s Servant. Simon and Schuster/Atheneum, 2006; ISBN13: 978-1-4169-0543-1; $16.95.

Hale, Shannon. Book of a Thousand Days. Illus. by James Noel Smith.Bloomsbury, 2007; ISBN13: 978-1-59990-051-3; $17.95.

Hinds, Gareth. Beowulf. Candlewick, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-7636-3022-5; $21.95.

Hornby, Nick. Slam. Penguin Group USA/Putnam, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-399-25048-4; $19.99.

Hosseini, Khaled. A Thousand Splendid Suns. Penguin Group USA/Riverhead Books, 2007; ISBN13: 978-1-59448-950-1; $25.95.

Jenkins, A.M. Repossessed. HarperCollins/HarperTeen, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-06-083568-2; $15.99.

Jocelyn, Marthe. How It Happened in Peach Hill. Random House/Wendy Lamb, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-375-83701-2; $15.99. (am currently reading)

Johnston, Tony. Bone by Bone by Bone. Roaring Brook/Deborah Brodie, 2007; ISBN13: 978-1-59643-113-3; $17.95.

Jones, Lloyd. Mister Pip. Dell Publishing/Dial Press, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-385-34106-6; $20.00.

Key, Watt. Alabama Moon. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-374-30184-2; $16.00.

Klass, David. Firestorm. Farrar, Straus & Giroux/Frances Foster, 2006; ISBN13: 978-0-374-32307-3; $17.00.

Knox, Elizabeth. Dreamquake: Book Two of the Dreamhunter Duet. Farrar, Straus & Giroux/Frances Foster, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-374-31854-3; $19.00.

Koertge, Ron. Strays. Candlewick, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-7636-2705-8; $16.99.

Lanagan, Margo. Red Spikes. Random House/Alfred A. Knopf, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-375-84320-4; $16.99.

Landy, Derek. Skulduggery Pleasant. HarperCollins, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-06-123115-5; $17.99.

Lat. Town Boy. Roaring Brook/First Second, 2007; ISBN13: 978-1-59643-331-1; $16.95.

Lockhart, E. Dramarama. Hyperion, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-7868-3815-8; $15.99.

Lyga, Barry. The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl. Houghton Mifflin, 2006; ISBN13: 978-0-618-72392-8; $16.95.

Lyga, Barry. Boy Toy. Houghton Mifflin, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-618-72393-5; $16.95.

MacCready, Robin Merrow. Buried. September 2006. Penguin Group USA/Dutton, 2006; ISBN13: 978-0-525-47724-2; $16.99.

Marillier, Juliet. Wildwood Dancing. Random House/Alfred A. Knopf, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-375-83364-9; $16.99.

McCaughrean, Geraldine. The White Darkness. HarperCollins/HarperTeen, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-06-089035-3; $16.99.

Mieville, China. Un Lun Dun. Random House/Del Rey, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-345-49516-7; $17.95.

Miller, Sarah. Miss Spitfire: Reaching Helen Keller. Simon & Schuster/Atheneum, 2007; ISBN13: 978-1-4169-2542-2; $16.99. (have read part of)

Moore, Perry. Hero. Hyperion, 2007; ISBN13: 978-1-4231-0195-6; $16.99.

Murdock, Catherine Gilbert. The Off Season. Houghton Mifflin, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-618-68695-7; $16.00.

Myers, Walter Dean. What They Found: Love on 145th Street. Random House/Wendy Lamb, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-385-32138-9; $15.99.

Olmstead, Robert. Coal Black Horse. Algonquin, 2007; ISBN13: 978-1-56512-521-6; $23.95.

Peet, Mal. Tamar: A Novel of Espionage, Passion, and Betrayal. Candlewick, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-7636-3488-9; $17.99.

Resau, Laura. Red Glass. Random House/Delacorte, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-385-73466-0; $15.99.

Resau, Laura. What the Moon Saw. Random House/Delacorte, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-385-73343-4; $15.95.

The Restless Dead: Ten Original Stories of the Supernatural. Edited by Deborah Noyes. Candlewick, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-7636-2906-9; $16.99.

Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Illus. by Mary Grandpre. Scholastic/Arthur A. Levine, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-545-01022-1; $34.99.

Schmidt, Gary D. The Wednesday Wars. Clarion, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-618-72483-3; $16.00.

Sedgwick, Marcus. My Swordhand is Singing. Random House/Wendy Lamb, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-375-84689-2; $15.99.

Selznick, Brian. The Invention of Hugo Cabret: A Novel. Illus. by Brain Selznick. Scholastic, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-439-81378-5; $22.99.

Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. Adapted by Richard Appignanesi. Illus. by Sonia Leong. Abrams/Amulet, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-8109-9325-9; $9.95.

Sharenow, Robert. My Mother the Cheerleader. HarperCollins/Laura Geringer, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-06-114896-5; $16.99

Shusterman, Neal. Unwind. Simon & Schuster, 2007; ISBN13: 978-1-4169-1204-0; $16.99.

Smith, Roland. Peak. Harcourt, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-15-202417-8; $17.00.

Sonnenblick, Jordan. Notes from the Midnight Driver. Scholastic, 2006; ISBN13: 978-0-439-75779-9; $16.99.

St. James, James. Freak Show. Penguin Group USA/Dutton, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-525-47799-0; $18.99.

Tan, Shaun. The Arrival. Illus. by Shaun Tan. Scholastic/Arthur A. Levine, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-439-89529-3; $19.99.

Thompson, Kate. The New Policeman. HarperCollins/Greenwillow, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-06-117427-8; $16.99.

Wallace, Rich. One Good Punch. Random House/Alfred A. Knopf, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-375-81352-8; $15.99.

Weinheimer, Beckie. Converting Kate. Penguin Group USA/Viking, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-670-06152-5; $16.99.

Wiess, Laura. Such a Pretty Girl. Simon & Schuster/MTV, 2007; ISBN13: 978-1-4165-2183-9; $12.00.

Wizner, Jake. Spanking Shakespeare. Random House, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-375-84086-9; $15.99.

Zarr, Sara. Story of a Girl. Little, Brown, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-316-01453-3; $16.99.

Zevin, Gabrielle. Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-374-34946-2; $17.00.


Beah, Ishmael. A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier. Farrar, Straus & Giroux/Sarah Crichton, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-374-10523-5; $22.00.

Crisler, Curtis L. Tough Boy Sonatas. Illus. by Floyd Cooper. Boyds Mills Press/Wordsong, 2007; ISBN13: 978-1-932425-77-2; $19.95.

The Deep: The Extraordinary Creatures of the Abyss. Edited by Claire Nouvian. University of Chicago Press, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-226-59566-5; $45.00.

Fradin, Judith Bloom and Dennis Brindell Fradin. Jane Addams: Champion of Democracy. Clarion, 2006; ISBN13: 978-0-618-50436-7; $21.00.

Helfer, Andrew. Malcolm X: A Graphic Biography. Illus. by Randy Duburke. Farrar, Straus & Giroux/Hill & Wang, 2006; ISBN13: 978-0-8090-9504-9; $15.95.

Hemphill, Stephanie. Your Own, Sylvia: A Verse Portrait of Sylvia Plath. Random House/Alfred A. Knopf, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-375-83799-9; $15.99.

Marrin, Albert. The Great Adventure: Theodore Roosevelt and the Rise of Modern America. Penguin Group USA/Dutton, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-525-47659-7; $30.00.

Polly, Matthew. American Shaolin: Flying Kicks, Buddhist Monks, and the Legend of Iron Crotch: An Odyssey in the New China. Penguin Group USA/Gotham Books, 2007; ISBN13: 978-1-59240-262-5; $26.00.

Raddatz, Martha. The Long Road Home A Story of War and Family. Penguin Group USA/Putnam Adult, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-399-15382-2; $24.95.

Reef, Catherine. e.e. cummings: a poet’s life. Clarion, 2006; ISBN13: 978-0-618-56849-9; $21.00.

Sis, Peter. The Wall: Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain. Illus. by Peter Sis. Farrar, Straus & Giroux/Frances Foster, 2007; ISBN13: 978-0-374-34701-7; $18.00.

Tammet, Daniel. Born on a Blue Day: A Memoir: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant. Simon & Schuster/Free Press, 2007; ISBN13: 978-1-4165-3507-2; $24.00.

This is another YALSA list. Borrowing the idea from Little Willow, I’ve pasted the list below, with the ones I’ve read in bold, and the ones I plan to read in the near (or near-ish…) future underlined. The lists are divided by category. Conclusions I draw from this? I love urban fantasy, and am not usually into sports stories. What about you all? Oh, and does anyone know how to do some sort of “behind the cut” thing in wordpress?

Sex Is….

Barnes, Derrick. The Making of Dr. Truelove. 2006. Simon Pulse, $7.99 (ISBN13: 978-1-4169-14396).

Behrens, Andy. All the Way. 2007. Puffin, $7.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-14-240833-9).

Blume, Judy. Forever. 2007. Simon Pulse, $8.99 (ISBN13: 978-1-4169-3400-4).

Brian, Kate. The Virginity Club. 2005. Simon Pulse, $5.99 (ISBN13: 978-1-4169-0346-8).

Burgess, Melvin. Doing It. 2006. Henry Holt & Company, $6.95 (ISBN13: 978-0-8050-8079-7).

Cabot, Meg. Ready or Not. 2007. HarperTeen, $6.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-06-072452-8).

Davidson, Dana. Played. 2007. Jump at the Sun, $8.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-7868-3691-8).

Ha, Thu-Huong. Hail Caesar. 2007. PUSH, $7.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-439-89026-7).

Hartinger, Brent. The Order of the Poison Oak. 2006. HarperTeen, $6.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-06-056732-3).

Kazumi, Maki. Desire. 2004. Digital Manga Publishing, $12.95 (ISBN13: 978-1-56970-979-5).

Klause, Annette Curtis. Blood and Chocolate. 1999. Laurel-Leaf, $6.50 (ISBN13: 978-0-440-22668-0).

Levithan, David and Rachel Cohn. Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist. 2007. Knopf, $8.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-375-83533-9).

The Little Black Book for Girlz: A Book on Healthy Sexuality. 2006. Annick Press, $8.95 (ISBN13: 978-1-55037-954-9).

Lockhart, E. Fly on the Wall: How One Girl Saw Everything. 2007. Delacorte, $8.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-385-73282-6).

Medina, Nico. The Straight Road to Kylie. 2007. Simon Pulse, $8.99 (ISBN13: 978-1-4169-3600-8).

Pardes, Bronwen. Doing it Right: Making Smart, Safe, and Satisfying Choices About Sex. 2007. Simon Pulse, $14.99 (ISBN13: 978-1-4169-1823-3).

Ruditis, Paul. Rainbow Party. 2005. Simon Pulse, $12.95 (ISBN13: 978-1-4169-0235-5).

Scott, Elizabeth. Bloom. 2007. Simon Pulse, $8.99 (ISBN13: 978-1-4169-2683-2).

Wallington, Aury. Pop! 2006. Razorbill, $8.99 (ISBN13: 978-1-59514-092-0).

Watase, Yuu. Absolute Boyfriend, Volume 1. 2006. VIZ, $8.99 (ISBN13: 978-1-4215-0016-4).

What Makes a Family?

Alvarez, Julia. Finding Miracles. 2006. Laurel-Leaf, $6.50 (ISBN13: 978-0-553-49406-8).

Bauer, Cat. Harley, Like a Person. 2007. Knopf, $8.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-375-83735-7).

Cohn, Rachel. The Steps. 2004. Aladdin, $4.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-689-87414-7).

Ferris, Jean. Of Sound Mind. 2004. Sunburst, $6.95 (ISBN13: 978-0-374-45584-2).

Frost, Helen. Keesha’s House. 2007. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $8.00 (ISBN13: 978-0-374-40012-5).

Headley, Justina Chen. Nothing but the Truth (And a Few White Lies). 2007. Little, Brown, $7.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-316-01131-0).

Johnson, Angela. The First Part Last. 2004. Simon Pulse, $5.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-689-84923-7).

Kantor, Melissa. If I Have a Wicked Stepmother, Where’s My Prince? 2007. Hyperion, $8.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-7868-0961-5).

Kidd, Sue Monk. The Secret Life of Bees. 2005. Penguin, $16.00 (ISBN13: 978-0-14-303640-1).

Kingsolver, Barbara. The Bean Trees. 1998. Harper Torch, $7.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-06-109731-7).

Marchetta, Melina. Saving Francesca. 2006. Knopf, $8.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-375-82983-3).

Myers, Walter Dean. Bad Boy: A Memoir. 2002. Amistad, $7.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-06-447288-3).

Patterson, James. Maximum Ride: School’s Out—Forever. 2007. Little, Brown, $7.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-316-06796-6).

Perkins, Mitali. Monsoon Summer. 2006. Laurel-Leaf, $6.50 (ISBN13: 978-0-440-23840-9).

Reinhardt, Dana. A Brief Chapter in My Impossible Life. 2007. Wendy Lamb Books, $8.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-375-84691-5).

Rottman, S.L. Shadow of a Doubt. 2003. Peachtree, $7.95 (ISBN13: 978-1-56145-354-2).

Schraff, Anne. Lost and Found. 2007. Scholastic, $3.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-439-89839-3).

Sones, Sonya. One of Those Hideous Books Where the Mother Dies. 2005. Simon Pulse, $6.99 (ISBN13: 978-1-4169-0788-6).

Triana, Gaby. Cubanita. 2006. Rayo, $7.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-06-056022-5).

Walls, Jeannette. The Glass Castle: A Memoir. 2006. Scribner, $15.00 (ISBN13: 978-0-7432-4754-2).

Wittlinger, Ellen. Zigzag. 2005. Simon Pulse, $6.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-689-84998-5).

Woodson, Jacqueline. Miracle’s Boys. 2006. Puffin, $5.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-14-240602-1).

Zeises, Lara M. Anyone But You. 2007. Laurel-Leaf, $6.50 (ISBN13: 978-0-440-23858-4).

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Barnes, Jennifer Lynn. Tattoo. 2007. Delacorte, $7.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-385-73347-2).

Black, Holly. Valiant: A Modern Tale of Faerie. 2005. Simon Pulse, $7.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-689868-23-8).

Card, Orson Scott. Magic Street. 2006. Del Ray, $14.95 (ISBN13: 978-0-345-41690-2).

Chima, Cinda Williams. The Warrior Heir. 2007. Hyperion, $8.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-7868-3917-9).

De Lint, Charles. The Blue Girl. 2006. Puffin, $7.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-14-240545-1).

Friesner, Esther. Temping Fate. 2007. Puffin, $6.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-14-240848-3).

Funke, Cornelia. Inkheart. 2005. Scholastic Paperbacks, $8.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-439-70910-1).

Gaiman, Neil. Neverwhere. 1998. Avon, $10.95 (ISBN13: 978-0-380-78901-6).

Hoffman, Nina Kiriki. A Fistful of Sky. 2004. Ace, $7.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-441-01177-3).

Horowitz, Anthony. Raven’s Gate: The Gatekeepers, Book One. 2006. Scholastic Paperbacks, $6.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-439-68009-7).

Johnson, Maureen. Devilish. 2007. Razorbill, $8.99 (ISBN13: 978-1-59514-132-3).

Jones, Diana Wynne. Deep Secret. 2002. Starscape, $5.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-7653-4247-8).

Lackey, Mercedes and Ellen Guon. Bedlam’s Bard. 2006. Baen, $3.99 (ISBN13: 978-1-4165-3282-8).

Larbalestier, Justine. Magic or Madness. 2006. Razorbill, $7.99 (ISBN13: 978-1-59514-070-8).

Mlynowski, Sarah. Bras and Broomsticks. 2005. Delacorte, $8.95 (ISBN13: 978-0-385-73184-3).

Riordan, Rick. The Lightning Thief. 2006. Miramax, $7.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-7868-3865-3).

Swendson, Shanna. Enchanted, Inc. 2005. Ballantine, $12.95 (ISBN13: 978-0-345-48125-2).

Vande Velde, Vivian. Now You See It . . . 2006. Magic Carpet Books, $6.95 (ISBN13: 978-0-15-205461-8).

Westerfeld, Scott. Midnighters: The Secret Hour. 2004. Eos, $6.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-06-0519537).

Yolen, Jane and Adam Stemple. Trollbridge: A Rock ‘n’ Roll Fairy Tale. 2007. Starscape, $5.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-7653-5284-2).

Yoshizumi, Wataru. Ultra Maniac Volume 1. 2005. VIZ Media, $8.99 (ISBN13: 978-1-59116-917-8).

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Andora, Anthony. Rhysmyth. Illus. by Lincy Chan. 2007. TokyoPOP, $9.99 (ISBN13: 978-1-4278-0088-6).

Carey, Mike. Re-Gifters. Illus. by Sonny Liew and Marc Hempel. 2007. Minx, $9.99 (ISBN13: 978-1-4012-0371-9).

Colton, Larry. Counting Coup: A True Story of Basketball and Honor on the Little Big Horn. 2001. Grand Central, $14.95 (ISBN13: 978-0-446-67755-4).

De La Pena, Matt. Ball Don’t Lie. 2007. Delacorte, $7.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-385-73425-7).

Deuker, Carl. High Heat. 2005. HarperTeen, $6.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-06-057248-8).

Feinstein, John. Last Shot: A Final Four Mystery. 2006. Yearling, $6.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-553-49460-0).

FitzGerald, Dawn. Soccer Chicks Rule. 2007. Square Fish, $6.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-312-37662-8).

Hamilton, Bethany with Sheryl Berk and Rick Bundschuh. Soul Surfer: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Fighting to Get Back on the Board. 2006. MTV, $12.00 (ISBN13: 978-1-4165-0346-0).

Hawthorn, Rachel. The Boyfriend League. 2007. HarperTeen, $5.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-06-113837-9).

Hughes, Pat. Open Ice. 2007. Laurel-Leaf, $6.50 (ISBN13: 978-0-553-49444-0).

Konomi, Takeshi. Prince of Tennis Volume 1. 2004. VIZ Media, $7.95 (ISBN13: 978-1-59116-435-7).

Lipsyte, Robert. Raiders Night. 2007. HarperTeen, $6.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-06-059948-5).

Lupica, Mike. Heat. 2006. Puffin, $6.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-14-240757-8).

Miller, Timothy. NASCAR Now! 2006. Firefly Books, $24.95 (ISBN13: 978-1-55407-148-7).

Murdock, Catherine. Dairy Queen. 2007. Graphia, $8.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-618-86335-8).

Rottman, S.L. Head Above Water. 2003. Peachtree, $6.95 (ISBN13: 978-1-56145-238-5).

Scott, Kiernan. I Was a Non-Blonde Cheerleader. 2007. Puffin, $7.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-14-240910-7).

Skate and Destroy: The First Twenty Five Years of Thrasher Magazine. 2006. Universe Publishing, $32.50 (ISBN13: 978-0-7893-1386-7).

Takanashi, Mitsuba. Crimson Hero Volume 1. 2005. VIZ Media, $8.99 (ISBN13: 978-1-4215-0140-6).

Tomlinson, Joe with Ed Leigh. Extreme Sports: In Search of the Ultimate Thrill. 2004. Firefly, $19.95 (ISBN13: 978-1-55297-992-1).

Volponi, Paul. Black and White. 2006. Puffin, $6.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-14-240692-2).

Wallace, Rich. Wrestling Sturbridge. 2001. Laurel-Leaf, $5.99 (ISBN13: 978-0-679-88555-9).

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